APPNA Bazaar at 48th Annual Convention 2025

Wednesday, July 09, 2025 - Sunday, July 13, 2025

APPNA Bazaar is a premium bazaar for convention attendees and their families to shop during their stay.
Maximum allowed purchase : 4 Booth(s)

All exhibitors are required to read and acknowledge the following terms and conditions. Please read carefully.

All sales are final. Booth CANNOT be changed after purchase. There will be no waiting list once booths are sold out, if a booth becomes available due to cancelation, it will reappear for sale on the registration page.

This agreement is between the Association of Physicians Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA) as the first party and Exhibitor as the second party called the exhibitor for the period of July 9-13, 2025. The terms of the contract are all of the terms which exist on this subject between the two parties. APPNA grants the exhibitor the right to use the designated space as assigned by APPNA.

(All times are subject to change)

Set-Up Time
Wednesday July 9, 2025: 1PM – 7PM

Timings of Exhibition
Thursday, July 10, 2025: 9AM – 6PM
Friday, July 11, 2025: 9AM – 6PM
Saturday, July 12, 2025: 9AM – 6PM
Sunday, July 13, 2025: 9AM – 1PM

Move Out
Sunday, July 13, 2025 after 1PM. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST BE OUT BY 6PM.

Coronavirus protocols will be implemented throughout the convention for all exhibitors/attendees in accordance with guidelines recommended by the CDC, state/local health officials, and APPNA Convention Committee on COVID Protocols. Event organizers will continue to assess the current conditions and make adjustments to the protocols to ensure optimal safety conditions for all exhibitors/attendees. APPNA may cancel/postpone this event, if necessary, without any notice and exhibitors cannot claim for any damages due to this inconvenience. APPNA reserves the right to determine whether an exhibitor and/or any person in attendance should be isolated/evacuated from the convention center/hotel that is deemed to be in violation of COVID guidelines.


1. Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of injury to person(s) and/or damages to exhibitor displays, equipment, or other property or loss of property brought upon the premises of the hotel/convention center and all damages to property owned by hotel and/or convention center and  agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless APPNA, the hotel, and its owners, servants, agents, and employees against all claims or expenses for such losses, including attorney's fees, arising out of the use of the hotel premises excluding any liability caused by the negligence of APPNA or the hotel or its owners, agents, or employees. The exhibitor understands that neither APPNA nor the hotel maintains insurance covering the exhibitor's property or lost revenue and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain such insurance. Exhibitors are responsible to obtain their own insurance to cover any damages or losses and be responsible for paying any damages to hotel/convention center property directly if caused by exhibitors’ negligence or not following any fire codes/instructions in place by APPNA and/or hotel/convention center.
2. Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees to abide by APPNA’s Chargeback Abuse Policy as stated on the
3. A. All booths must be purchased and booked through APPNA with payment directly made to APPNA. Third party sales and/or re-sale of booths are strictly prohibited. Individuals/companies engaging in such behavior (applicable to both parties, sellers and buyers) will be black-listed and barred from participating in all future APPNA events. No exceptions.
B. In the event that you/your company cannot participate in the bazaar due to extenuating circumstances and you wish to transfer your booth(s) to another exhibitor/company you MUST contact the central APPNA office to request the transfer in writing and pay a $300 administrative fee. Any transfers done “off the books” will not be honored and will result in forfeiting your monetary refund. The transfer will only be complete, and refund will be given, upon contract and payment submission by your replacement exhibitor/company.
C. We welcome exhibitors/companies that purchase multiple booths (two or more) at the bazaar. If the booths are purchased to host more than one exhibitor/company, please note that a contract packet is required for each exhibitor/company.
4. APPNA in its discretion may change, postpone, or cancel the exhibition if in its judgment some casualty or emergency requires such action. In the event of cancellation, the Exhibitor may receive a refund (upon review of the circumstances) within 30 days if fees have been charged or a deposit has been received by the APPNA office.
5. No exhibitor may hold private showings in his/her hotel room or in any other area of the hotel, other than the exhibit space designated by APPNA.
6. Exhibitor will be allowed to display its company signs on the booth but not beyond it. Banners are NOT allowed to be displayed in any other location in the exhibit hall or hotel.
7. This exhibition is closed to the public and exhibitors are encouraged NOT to make public notice of this showing, this is open to APPNA members and their invited guests only.
8. The cost of the exhibit space hereby leased shall be indicated on page one of this contract per booth space and full payment is due in advance. APPNA does not guarantee space/booth choice requested.
9. Deviation from the assigned space will not be allowed. Any empty spaces above and beyond your booth are under APPNA’s possession. If exhibitor deviates from assigned space, without APPNA approval, exhibitor is subject to additional fee.
10. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to pay all applicable local, state and federal taxes on sales.
11. The sale of any item in a transaction is between the exhibitor and the purchaser(s). APPNA is not responsible for any transaction.
12. APPNA does not guarantee that any exhibit will be exclusive, nor do we guarantee any profit margin or sales.
13. After the Exhibitor contract is reviewed, accepted and processed by APPNA, (a signed contract must be accompanied by payment in full), the exhibitor will be issued a confirmation e-mail which, in conjunction with and subject to the terms of this contract, grants non-transferable license to only use the specifically assigned space at the APPNA 48th Annual Convention within the guidelines of the rules & regulations and for the exclusive purpose as defined in the above description. If this Contract is rejected and no confirmation is issued, the Exhibitor shall receive a refund within 30 days if fees have been charged or deposited.
14. The standard 10 ft X 10 ft space includes a single booth defined by: (1) 8’-draped backdrop, (2) small 3’-draped dividers, (1) company I.D. sign, (1) 6' draped display table, and (2) chairs, (1) trash can. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to acquire any additional items required for the conducting of business at their booth space; these items include but are not limited to clothing racks, electric power, internet/wifi, lighting, food, etc...FOOD IS NOT INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE OF BOOTH.
15. Cancellations prior to May 5, 2025 are subjected to a $300 cancellation fee. Cancellations on/after May 5, 2025 are subjected to a $500 cancellation fee. No refunds are made after June 5, 2025. Cancelation requests must be submitted to
16. All displays must be confined to the booth and cannot obstruct the view or access of surrounding displays. If we receive any complaint that any exhibitor is blocking the view of their neighbors, the exhibitor will be notified by one of the APPNA staff members only once, if the exhibitor does not comply, they will receive an official notice to vacate the space within an hour with no refunds. Any demonstrations, discussions, or other activities must be confined to the booth. Audio, video, and multimedia equipment will be monitored by Exhibit Staff to ensure that a comfortable sound level is maintained; and conforms to the rules/regulations of the hotel/convention center and local laws/regulations.
17. Solicitation of any kind by any exhibitor or group (for-profit or not-for-profit) is expressly prohibited outside of the assigned booth.
18. Fireworks and any other incendiary devices & helium are expressly prohibited. Fuel tanks or heating appliances such as microwaves, ovens, etc… are also prohibited.
19. Exhibitors are not allowed to bring in accessories like electrical wires, lights, drapery, etc., without permission of APPNA’s official exposition/decorating company. Exhibitors bringing in such items will be responsible to pay any damages that are caused to hotel/convention center/other exhibitors or APPNA.
20.A. Actual space/booth location may be displaced or changed from the layout/diagram for logistic reasons, and so will the entrances and exits.
B. APPNA does not guarantee flow of traffic through specific entrances or exits.
21. APPNA reserves the right to retract the Confirmation Letter and Contract and therefore close any exhibit and eject any exhibitor or exhibitor's staff immediately from the Exhibit area and Hotel who/which participate(s) in illegal activities of any kind, is/are involved in any way with disruptive or dangerous activities, violate(s) any of the terms or conditions of this agreement, or does not immediately comply with instructions given by the APPNA Exhibit staff.
22. Exhibitors and their staff indemnify and hold harmless the Association of Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA) its’ staff and agencies from and against all costs, damages, judgments or legal expenses which may arise from this agreement, set-up, exhibition, participation or dismantling activities during, before, and after the convention. Exhibitor also assumes all risks of loss, injury, theft or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever to any exhibit or component thereof; including but not limited to goods, merchandise, cash, records, or any other property. Further, exhibitors are expressly bound, at their expense, to repair any damage which they may cause to the bazaar fixtures or the convention center through unauthorized modifications or movement of their exhibit.
23. Cleaning within the booth space rented by an exhibitor is the exhibitor’s responsibility. Common areas and isles will be cleaned by APPNA assigned crew.
24. An exhibitor, who does not move-in/out during the designated move-in/out times, will be responsible for moving their merchandise to/from their booth and paying directly to exposition company or any other related labor. Any labor required beyond the normal/usual provided during move-in and move-out is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor and needs to be contracted directly with the exhibitor services company.
25. Exhibitors and their staff indemnify and hold harmless the Hotel/convention center and their respective agents against any claim or expenses arising out of the use of the exhibition premises. The exhibitor understands that neither APPNA nor the Convention center/hotel maintains insurance covering the exhibitor's property and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain such insurance.
26. Fire Regulations: All materials used for booth decoration must be nonflammable. Electric signs and equipment must be wired to meet specifications of local fire authorities. Fire extinguishers on walls/floor/elsewhere must not be removed or obstructed in any manner.
27. APPNA reserves the right to interpret, amend and enforce these Contract Conditions, Rules and Regulations. Each Exhibitor, for him/herself, his/her agents and employees agree to abide by all Contract Conditions, Rules and Regulations set forth herein or any subsequent amendments or interpretations.

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Your Information

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Credit card number is required.
Card holder name is required.
CVV is required.
Expiry month is required.
Expiry year is required.
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