Fundraising Dinner - Friends of HSMH Los Angeles California

By Friends of HSMH

Sheraton Garden Grove Anaheim South Hotel 12221 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove , CA 92840

Single Ticket - Fundraising Dinner by Friends of HSMH Los Angeles CA

Fundraising Dinner & Entertainment (Single Tickets)

Saturday,y May 10th 2025 AT 7:00 PM

Single Ticket
$50.00 each

Table of 10 people - Fundraising Dinner by Friends of HSMH Los Angeles CA

?Fundraising Dinner & Entertainment. (table of 10 people)

Saturday, May 10th 2025 AT 7:00 PM

Table of10 people
$500.00 each
Order Detail

Your Information

Credit card number is required.
Card holder name is required.
CVV is required.
Expiry month is required.
Expiry year is required.